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Getting Started

Let's discover fcnui 🚀🚀🚀



  1. Install fcnui by running the following command (view on

    dart pub global activate fcnui

    Note: You may need to restart the terminal or open a new one after installation.

  2. Verify that fcnui is installed correctly by running the following command:

    fcnui version

    Note: You should see the version of fcnui you have installed.

  3. Initialize your Flutter project

    • Navigate to your Flutter project directory.
    • Run the following command to initialize fcnui in your project:
    fcnui init

    Note: This command creates a fcnui.json file, which is used to manage components, and prompts you to select the components library (default is /lib/components).

  4. Add fcnui_base dependency by running the following command or manually inside pubspec.yaml file (view on

    flutter pub add fcnui_base
    • or manually inside pubspec.yaml file:
    fcnui_base: latest_version
  5. Wrap MaterialApp/CupertinoApp with DefaultStoreProvider:

    // Optionally pass actions need to be activated on app start.
    // ex: ChangeUsePlatformThemeAction(usePlatformTheme: true)
    //initActions: [],
    child: MaterialApp(
    title: 'Your App Title',
    home: YourHomePage(),

    Optionally, you can use fcnui as your default theme. If not needed, simply wrap it. If needed, then wrap your MaterialApp with ThemeProvider and use vm.

  6. Start adding components to your project by running the following command:

    fcnui add [component_name]
    • Replace [component_name] with the name of the component you want to add.
    • Optionally, can pass a list of components to add at once by separating them with a comma.

Note: Text theme is used from the user definition. So if you defined a text theme in your Material/CupertinoApp, it will use that. If not, it will use the default fcnui text theme.

That's it! You're now ready to leverage the power of fcnui in your projects. Happy coding! 🚀